Hedlunda Husky
is a family-owned
adventure-tourism company in Västerbotten,
on the coast of Lapland. At
Hedlunda husky we mainly perform dogsledging,
breeding of Siberian husky dogs, and
Gregers gourmet and catering.
Greger: musher and guide. Breeds and trains
all our dogs. The carpenter of the family.
Competes for fun. Tremendous gourmet cooking.
Lisbeth: Musher. Weekend guide, but most
often works as an orthopedic surgeon at the
University hospital in Umeå. Former
track and field athlete now having changed
dogsledging. Two times All-American in track
and field, 11 medals from swedish national
and field championships. Best 7th in the
swedish dog-sledging championships, A-class
in 2005.
Takes care of marketing, bookings and our
David: 8 years old, already experienced
musher. Takes care of our puppies. Main
character in
the TV program "Djurbebisar" sent in swedish
television during winter 2007.
Jakob: 6 years, trains to become a great
musher. Works as handler as soon as he gets
chance. Plays with the dogs.
Isabell: 5 years old, the toughest girl of
the family. Soon, one of the best skier
Nordic style,
a gorgious skier since the age of 1½.